Custom Search Box Trigger

Why we use custom search on website?

Any guess…..   My opinion is to know the user requirement & there understanding towards content.  For example if the customer wants to know more about the product/courses/training…. Subjectivity on what his requirement and follow that what he is expecting from website/Application.

To know that First let us understand whether are we getting any clicks on custom search box button so that we can know what he is looking.  Let us implement custom search box via GTM.

  1. Create a tag and name as Custom Search box tag
  2. Select the track type to Event
  3. Give the category name to Custom Search Box
  4. Give the Action name as per your understandings for that event
  5. Same it applies for the label name as well.
  6. Select the default Google Analytics Variable in settings
  7. Create a trigger and name as Custom Search box trigger
  8. Select the trigger type to Click – All Elements
  9. Give the conditions as per your requirement – Classes/Element/Page URL/Page Path
  10. Save both tags and triggers & finally check in preview mode and if working fine then push to live.

If I can be of assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me.

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