Click Trigger

Click trigger will help us to understand the user behavior / Interactions on website. We can use same trigger to check the clicks of Facebook, twitter Or any outbound links. Let us see one example of WordPress site on which we need to track the performance of category and tags links.

Finally we want to know whether are we getting clicks on categories and tags.

Use Google Tag Manager’s click trigger to fire tags based on click events

  1. Create a tag on the name category
  2. Select the tag type Google Analytics
  3. Select the track type Event
  4. Give the name as category in Category box
  5. Mention the action name which you want to track on landing page
  6. Mention the label name as per your requirement
  7. Select the Google Analytics setting to default variable GA Page view tag
  8. Create a trigger and name it as category
  9. Select trigger type to Click-just links
  10. Give the condition for the specific landing page
  11. Select the default variable

Finally check in preview mode and  if all working fine, then make it live.

Please contact me if there are any problems.



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